Nature exceeds human's machines: at the same time, exists in the machines.

Experience the work: drag and scroll your screen

I don't think you realise what I'm talking about

A work of art by Vincenzo Fiore Marrese


"I don't think you realise what I'm talking about" is a work of art realised expressly for the "Bio-Net-Work" call.

In the concept of "Bio-Net-Work", the topic of this work is related to one of my research interests, the probabilities and possibilities to imagine social alternatives and their relationship between fragmentation and complexity in the visual culture.

For visual culture, I mean the idea that our everyday life is a "visual existence"[1]. In visual culture "information, meaning or pleasure is sought by the consumer in an interface with visual technology (...) apparatus designed to be looked at or to enhance natural vision, from oil painting to television and the Internet"[2].

For fragmentation, I mean the idea that the "visual existence" is broken in small unrelated parts[3].

For complexity, I mean the idea that it is possible to create a junction between these small pieces[4].

The title of the artwork, "I don't think you realise what I'm talking about", refers to the idea of complexity. It is related to the attitude to refuse it.

Cause the concept of "Bio-Net-Work" is related to human-nature relationship, I thought about Edgar Morin.

I created this work thinking about his idea on the disorganization of the three terms "individual/society/species", and the necessity to reorganise this relationship[5].


I grab a picture that, in the imaginary, represent the idea of "nature" from a stock photography website.

I used this picture, uploaded from a user (individual) to talk in a broad sense about nature.

I chose one with a representation of a plant and a bird (species).

I wrote the words "individual/society/species" on the image, to stress the relationship between these three items.

I changed the size of this image to exceed the size of a big screen.

Then, I put this image on a web page.

I put this image here on the Internet, as an "apparatus designed to be looked at or to enhance natural vision"[6] related to our culture (society).

The image overflow all the known screen sizes

So you can't see it without drag and scroll it in the two directions, vertical and horizontal.

You could do it on touch screens, but, also, on desktop PC, equipped with recent browsers.

Nature exceeds human's machines: at the same time, exists in the machines.

It is only a matter of discovering it, as the complexity that is represented by the text ("individual/society/species") that you could find exploring the image.
