Vincenzo Fiore Marrese


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System of rules


The system of rules is the common thread of my body of work. This thread connects all my work and is like a rope made of fibres. These fibres are concepts like, among other things, structure, organism, pattern, system, command, order, law, and rule.


In the beginning, as Nicholas Justin Allen noticed, the word structure is related to artefacts [note 1]. Likewise, Allen stresses that some "Marxist terms", like bases and superstructures, are related to artefacts too [note 2].

Raymond Boudon lists in what he defines as apparent synonyms of the word structure the German word Aufbau [note 3]. According to the dictionaries, the word Aufbau is related to the verb aufbauen [note 4] and then to the verb bauen [note 5], which means, among other things, to build [note 6].

Boudon reminds the use of the word structure in the book of Kurt Goldstein [note 7], translated in French as "La structure de l'organisme" [note 8], namely "Der Aufbau des Organismus" [note 9].

  1. Allen, Nicholas Justin. "On the notion of structure." Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford 21/3 (1990): 279-282.
  2. Boudon, Raymond. Strutturalismo e scienze umane. Translated by Mario G. Losano. Torino: Giulio Einaudi Editore, 1970.
  3. Goldstein Kurt, Der Aufbau des Organismus : Einführung in die Biologie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Erfahrungen am kranken Menschen. The Hague: Springer-Science+Business Media, B.V., 1934.
  1. Allen, "On the notion of structure," 280.back to the text
  2. Allen, 280.back to the text
  3. Boudon, Strutturalismo e scienze umane, 18.back to the text
  4. DWDS – Digitales Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache, s.v. "Aufbau," accessed April 14, 2023, to the text
  5. DWDS – Digitales Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache, s.v. "aufbauen," accessed April 14, 2023, to the text
  6. Langenscheidt Online Wörterbücher, s.v. "bauen," accessed April 14, 2023, to the text
  7. Boudon, Strutturalismo e scienze umane, 36.back to the text
  8. Boudon, 202.back to the text
  9. Goldstein Kurt, Der Aufbau des Organismus : Einführung in die Biologie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Erfahrungen am kranken Menschen (The Hague: Springer-Science+Business Media, B.V., 1934).back to the text